Protect the Environment while taking a yachting trip

scaled_91346_21994-750x470-479x300The environment is precious, and even more so when you are taking a yachting trip around the beautiful island of Phuket.

So here at Simpson Yacht Charters we thought we would take a little look at how the people of Phuket are trying to protect their environment, and how you too can help them in their strives. We love Phuket and do our utmost to protect whilst enjoying the environment.

The waste problem

Protect our Environment


Recently there has been a huge new initiative to clean up Phuket. Environmental officials are on a mission to see the less well kept areas of the island become trash free as the Provincial Trash and Wastewater Committee handed down the directive to get the job done.

The order will mean that garbage collection will get a much-needed reboot, and efforts redoubled to ensure that the streets remain clean for all to enjoy. The island’s incinerator will be upgraded to be able to cope with the extra demand on the infrastructure. Wastewater treatment plants will also be updated and improved as part of the overhaul. The moves have been greatly welcomed by locals and visitors alike, and it is hoped that this initiative will see a much cleaner, greener, and more environmentally conscious Phuket come to life.

The water problem

Water Problem

Now water is very important to us here at Simpson – after all a yacht would be pretty useless without it! Greenpeace have long been outspoken about the water challenges that face the earth. Freshwater resources are dwindling, and this is accelerated by further coal power plants being built.

Thailand has been in the grips of a bad drought for some time now, with water levels in the country’s dams at lower than 10 per cent capacity. The Thailand Electricity Generating Authority still however is steaming ahead with plans for more coal plants despite it being the most water intensive form of power. Greenpeace and climate activists urge governments to reconsider and switch to renewable forms of energy to address the water problem.

The air problem

Air Pollution

As well as the environmental challenges facing Phuket on the ground, there is also a big challenge in the air too.

Air pollution can happen in two main ways; firstly, pollutants being released directly into the air; secondly pollutants mixing to cause something we know as smog. These are known as primary pollutants and secondary pollutants respectively. Fossil fuels, the animal agriculture industry, and vehicle emissions are all causes of air pollution. Then there is manufacturing, deforestation, mining, and domestic such as household cleaning products and paints. Air pollution causes health problems, as well as contributing to climate change and damaging ecosystems.

So, what can be done about it? Air pollution very much needs to be tackled at a global level, however every little helps and there is much to be done at a local level too. Worldwide strides such as the Paris Agreement of December 2015 have helped unite all nations in the common cause of protecting our environment. That agreement, is reliant on nations each doing their bit, and the populations of those nations taking individual steps to reduce their footprint. It is the responsibility of everyone on the planet to be aware of the crisis, and to take action now. And this is something the government of Phuket are taking seriously.

Phuket is a beautiful place, and we can all help to keep it that way. There is no waving of a magic wand, there are no simple overnight solutions to the wider problems. But if we all did our little bit to help, the situation would turn around. Here at Simpson we like to try and do our bit for the planet, and very much wish to protect beautiful ecosystems our clients can enjoy. Nature is a remarkable, wonderful thing, and we must respect it and nourish it, not destroy it. We are excited by some of the innovative steps being taken in Phuket, but there is always more to be done.

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